TITLE, VERSE COUNT, KEYS, SAMPLES A Change to Keep I Have 4 VersesHi C Lo G Abide With Me 4Hi Eb Lo Bb All Hail the Power 4Hi G Lo C All the Way My Savior Leads Me 3Hi G Lo C Be Thou My Vision 5Hi Eb Lo Bb Breathe On Me Breath of God 4Hi F Lo C By the Sea of Crystal 4Hi G Lo D Come Thou Long Expected Jesus 2Hi F Lo C Give Me Jesus 3Hi A Lo F Go Ye Into All the World 4Hi Ab Lo Eb He Leadeth Me 4Hi Db Lo Ab He Lives 3Hi Bb Lo F I Know Whom I Have Believed 4Hi Eb Lo Bb Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded 3Hi C Lo G Rock of Ages 3Hi Bb Lo F Softly and Tenderly 3Hi G Lo D Sweet Hour of Prayer 3Hi C Lo G Take Time to Be Holy 3Hi F Lo C Tell Me the Old Old Story 3Hi C Lo G The Master Has Come 3Hi F Lo C Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 4Hi G Lo D Trust and Obey 4Hi F Lo C We Gather Together 3Hi D Lo A Whiter Than Snow 4Hi Ab Lo Eb Wonderful Words of Life 3Hi E Lo B
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Volume 3 Organ Hymns USB was played and recorded by a church organist in hymnal style for singing. Each hymn begins with an intro followed by the verses. We will load a USB Flash drive with Volume 3 -25 organ hymn accompaniment MP3 files. Simply insert the flash drive into the USB port on your computer and you can copy and play the songs in your services as needed. Order a in high keys, low keys. Order both and we will load them both on your thumb drive for just $4 more. If you order multiple volumes, we will load them onto a single flash drive unless you indicate in your order comments that you want separate drives.